Wednesday, April 20, 2011

VIP seating

I am going to start compiling the VIP list.

I need all the sponsors we've contacted so far, names of company, how many tickets they are getting, names of people attending (if possible, not necessary). Also we need to contact each group for their sponsors. The fashion office also for designers as we, they will be seated in VIP.

We also need to determine at what level of sponsorship are people going to be seated in VIP, I'm not sure we are going to have enough seats for all sponsors. For example, Costco would be seated in VIP for their $1000 cash sponsorship, but our massage therapist, donating a one hour massage, may not be.

Thank you!


Hey guys,

Since there is only room for 8 photographers at the end of the runway we should decide if we want all student photographers or a mixture of students and outside photographers. I was thinking 4/4 or 5/3 student to outsider ratio. Let me know what you think so I can contact the photography department with the number of open positions.

Also if you have leads on photographers not with CCSF who might be interested please forward them to me via email. mind, these are the photographers we are selecting to "officially" shoot the show and allowing them to attend the wrap party to sell their pictures of the show. These are the pictures that will be archived for future classes to use as well.

Bloggers and publications who are bringing a photographer are a separate situation and will be assigned a seat in the VIP section.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Final Press List

Press List

Major Publications:


-Chronicle Fashion (Unzipped), Caroline Zinko

-The Guardsman (CCSF newspaper)

-The Guardian

-San Francisco Magazine, Elizabeth Varnell, Style Directior

-Cynthia Anderson,,

-Michele Gates, SF Examiner/Fashionable Fun

-Catlin Snodgrass, Asterisk Magazine,

-Dyanna Pure, The SF Style,

-Erin Hagstrom, Calivintage,
-Francesca Zmetra, The snail and the cyclops,, Lorraine Sanders,

Press Kit

These are the notes that I took in class when we were looking at the press kits. These are the things that were inside of the previous kits.

-Photos from the past shows
-Fact Sheet
-Press Release

I thought it would be cool to have a little information about the senior designers also.